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B i o g r a p h y
Birth Date: June 20, 1849
Actual name: Himura Shinta (the name Kenshin was bestowed by his mentor,
Seijuro Hiko when he was adopted and taught the Hitenmitsurugi technique).
Weight: 48 kg
Height: 158 cm
Blood Type: AB |
To fill things up, I'm going to write a little bit about Kenshin in brief,
since I don't want my other pages in the site to be neglected as well.
Kenshin, or at the time Shinta, was born to a poor peasant family. His
childhood were brief and unfulfilling, as his parents were soon dead
by an outbreak that spreaded towards the entire village. Later, he was
under the custody of slave traders and finally under Seijuro Hiko, a
swordsman of the Hitenmitsurugi technique.
Further information about him can be obtained in the Past, Personality
and Present section.
He later left Hiko and used his technique when he was employed by an
anti-shogunate revolutionaire, the Ishinshishi as their assassin to
remove key members of the shogunate and bring it to ruins. The position
that Kenshin held was as the Hitokiri Battousai (actually, Battousai
was a nickname he obtained while holding the office).
After the war, Kenshin swore off killing and sported a non-lethal
bludgeoning sword with the edge on the wrong side, the sakabatou. He
wandered Japan for ten years before settling down on a town where he
met Kamiya Kaoru, owner of the local dojo and a few other individuals
like him, later stayed and helped with the dojo.
However, Kenshin's rather mellow (if you can say that) life at the
dojo later ended when his past caught up with him in the form of his
arch-nemesis, Saitou Hajime, or as he was known during the bakumatsu,
The Wolf of Mibu (Mibu no Ookami). It was then that he even have to
face Shishio Makoto, another former Ishinshishi Hitokiri and return to
his teacher, Hiko.